Will Brexit be the End of May?
The Conservative government has triggered Article 50, giving its right wingers and UKIP what they want, against the national interest. They say this is the will of the people, but is it? The legitimacy of the referendum was undermined by leave campaigners saying things they knew weren't true. The £350 million claim on the side of that bus is the classic example. The number is wrong, they knew it was wrong, and they never had any intention of spending that money on the NHS.
I believe the reality of Brexit will be quite different to the vision of Brexit portrayed by Boris and company prior to the 23rd of June 2016. If so, people may well change their minds. The European Parliament has stated that Article 50 can be reversed. The British people should have their say on whether the deal they are offered is the right one for them, their families, their communities and our country.
I was reminded recently that the poll tax was in the Conservative party's manifesto for the 1987 election.When the Conservatives won the election they probably thought introducing the poll tax was the will of the people. Once the details of this deeply unfair tax became known, it was very unpopular and led to the downfall of the first female Prime Minister. Will implementing a hard Brexit bring down the second?
Tad Jones
Monsell Drive
This article was first published in the Nottingham Post as a letter from Tad Jones, our County Council candidate for Arnold North.