County Tories Propose Massive £33m million of cuts
Nottinghamshire County Council's Tory administration are proposing massive cuts to services later in the year. A large part of the Tories' money saving plans are targeted at the elderly.
They plan to:
Increase home meals service ("Meals on Wheels") charges by a whopping 28%
Increase Home Care charges by a staggering 36%
Introduce charges for day services
End the Dial-a-Ride Service
Sell off 13 residential care homes
Close 4 Day Centres
Other areas that are facing the axe include:
Closing Gedling's Household Waste and Recycling Centre
End School Uniform Allowances for most families on low income
End concessionary bus fares before 9.30am
Bus shelters to be cleansed less often
Originally the Tories planned cutting back on spending for road gritting but following the recent winter freeze they realised that that this would be too much even for their own supporters.
Whilst the Tories are proposing to cut public services left, right and centre they have found money to pay for a top "spin doctor" with a salary of more than £71,000. The role of the new Service Director of Communications will be to help the County Council manage its reputation. Liberal Democrat County Councillor Jason Zadrozny said: "It just shows where the administration place their priorities - on spin over services really. They would much rather have someone who can do their Alastair Campbell work for them rather than doing frontline services."