Carlton West - Andrew Ellwood and Paul Hughes
Andrew Ellwood (left) and Paul Hughes (below left) are our County Council candidates for Carlton West.
Andrew Ellwood has lived in Carlton for the past 15 years and currently works in the finance department of a local NHS Trust. He was first elected as a Borough Councillor on Gedling Council in 2007, unseating the Labour leader of the Council. Over the past years as a Lib Dem councillor he has worked hard to improve Phoenix Ward by dealing with the County Council on such issues as pavement and road repair, street lights and right of way issues on footpaths. In 2013 he set up one of the first Community Speed Watch schemes in the Carlton area which continues with the support of volunteer residents. Last year he was successful in getting the County Council to resume maintaining some 180 street lights on un-adopted roads and footpaths in Gedling Borough which the Council had previously stopped maintaining. He is strongly opposed to the registration scheme for County Council household waste and re-cycling centres introduced by the Labour Administration at County Hall last year. Andrew said:
"Any scheme that makes it more difficult for residents to recycle and properly dispose of household items is counter-productive. It just leads to more fly tipping and doesn't save any money in the long run as it forces neighbouring councils to bring in expensive registration schemes of their own."
Paul Hughes has lived in Carlton all his life and has recently taken early retirement after over 30 years working as a database manager for Futures Advice (formerly Connexions). Paul was a Gedling Borough Councillor for 20 years, representing Conway Ward from 1991-2003 and Valley Ward from 2007-2015. For the last 4 years he was leader of the Liberal Democrat Group. Paul is a keen walker and gardener.
"I am passionate about preserving the environment and in seeing what the County Council can do to combat climate change."
You can contact Andrew at and Paul at
Published and promoted by Andrew Ellwood on behalf of himself and Paul Hughes at 2 South View Road, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3QL. Printed (hosted) by Prater Raines Ltd, 98 Sandgate High Street, Folkestone CT20 3BY